Not only do we offer an extensive catalogue of standard products, but also a customised production service. Our technical department supports customers in the development of customised components designed according to the required technical specifications. We offer assistance on quotations, ad hoc mould design, development, finishing and packaging of customised products.
Over our 60 years of experience, we have broadened our capabilities and learnt to deal with every request with versatility. Today we offer ourselves as a partner for the manufacture of customised hardware and components, backed by a well-equipped production department specialising in metal blanking and machining.
For the development of large timber roofs, we are 1090 EXC2 and EN 1090-2:2018 certified for the construction of non-standard structural elements, which cannot be CE marked due to special dimensions and specifications.
We are competent, precise, reliable and passionate. But that’s not all.
We only use carefully selected materials to ensure durability and functionality in our production of customised hardware.
We are a team of passionate and helpful professionals, who are technically prepared to handle all customised product development requests.
We can produce components for numerous application areas in our well-organised production department with state-of-the-art equipment.